Monday, April 2, 2007

BMW Z9 Tuned

A new convertible was spied in Munich today and it appears to be a successor to the BMW Z8, or possibly now called Z9. While the Z8 was a hit with enthusiasts, the new version of the car is expected to be successful beyond merely a few thousand enthusiasts and a starring role in a James Bond film. With that, expect the price of this new car to extend well beyond the Z8’s base price of $128,000. Well above $150,000 would be a good guess.

BMW is testing new prototypes for a new convertible. Whether this is the new Z4 or the more upscale Z9 is a matter of intense conjecture at this point. We originally thought Z4, but closer inspection suggests that this could be BMW’s SL-fighter–the Z9. This prototype is clearly larger than today’s Z4, but that also supports earlier reports that the next-gen Z4 would be growing up a bit to make room for an entry-level Z2 roadster.The most noteworthy details on this prototype are the side windows–a glass-to-glass pillarless design reminiscent of the BMW 8-series and
the Mercedes CL. Is that enough of a clue to prove this is the Z9?
Quite possibly, especially when taking into account the slim, sleek convertible roof that appears to be a fake canvas top glued to a retractable hard roof that’s hidden beneath. Consider that the Z9 is aimed squarely at the tin-topped SL, and is reportedly similarly equipped, and the clues further point to this as the Z9.

The Z9 program looks right on target to hit the market in 2010, as a front-engined, retractable hard-topped, high-performance alternative to Mercedes’ SL.